
There are no on-going events at the moment that we are accepting contributions to support.

However, you can donate directly to The Melanoma Research Foundation by mailing a check in any amount to them at:

The Melanoma Research Foundation
1411 K Street NW Suite 800
Washington, DC  20005

The MRF is a registered non-profit entity (Tax ID EIN #76-0514428); all contributions are fully tax-deductible as allowed by US law.

You can also donate online using a credit card by going to their web site at and clicking on the “DONATE NOW” button.

Give While You Shop

Do you shop on You can have a percentage of all of your purchases be donated! Just go to, login to your account, then search for “The Melanoma Research Foundation” and select that as your charity. After that, you must remember to start all of your shopping from instead of just

Many other popular online merchants have an arrangement with Go to to sign up and have The Melanoma Research Foundation automatically selected as you charity of choice, and start all of your online shopping from